[Source: NORML]
The Pennsylvania Chapter
of the NAACP endorsed Senate Bill 528, legislation that would
regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol, yesterday during a press
conference in Harrisburg. SB 528 was introduced earlier this year by State Senator
Daylin Leach*.
Speaking at the press conference the
current chair of the Legal Redress Committee for the Cheltenham Area Branch of
the NAACP, David Scott, stated, “The war on drugs is a catastrophic failure.”
Sponsor Daylin Leach welcomed the
group’s support. “This is decimating the minority community. This is a problem
that is particularly acute,” said Senator Leach.
Sponsors of Senate Bill 528 hope to
bring it up for a committee hearing in the fall.

*Senator Leach is also running for
the US House of Representatives and has received support from NORML PAC. You
can learn more about Senator Leach’s campaign here or
the NORML PAC here.
You can learn more about the ACLU report here.
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