Monday, July 22, 2013

A Colorado Pro Marijuana Pipe Shop Helps To Change The Way Insurance Companies Look At Ancillary Marijuana Businesses

[Source: PressReleaseLeader-July 22, 2013-Denver, CO]

North Washinton Envervors LLC, dba The 24 Hour Pipe & Tobacco Shop has been in a battle with insurance companies since it opened in February. Since this is a "Private Membership Head-Shop" (think Sams Club or Costco) for those twenty one years of age and older that allows cannabis smoking inside by it's members, it doesn't fall under "normal" insurance companies business coverage. 

Thurlow Weed, President/CEO of No Excues Entertainment Inc (The 24 Hour Pipe & Tobacco Shops parent company) has been working with Doug Banfelder a Commercial Insurance Specialist at Premier Southwest Insurance Group in Scottsdale, AZ for almost a month an received this message from Doug this weekend;

"I’m still working on this for you, and we’re about to get a quote – the carrier asked for an amended application, which I’m providing, and I’ve persuaded them that you will be using an alarm company.

What really did the trick is that I found and forwarded to them a news article about WA state considering how they’re going to accommodate pot tourists… with smoking clubs… You and Thurlow are definitely ahead of the curve here.

In fact, now the carrier is working to create new apps for those opening these new types of business… so we’re trendsetters. J

Will have your quote for North Washington Endeavors by Tues or Wed next week.  Thanks so much for hanging in there, sometimes it just.takes.time…"

"This right here shows that cannabis legalization is here to stay." said Thurlow

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